We are folks of who one way or the other originate from Diountou in the Sous- Prefrecture of Lelouma in Guinea. Our drive to help or give something back to our community is something that brought us together. There are folks among us who have never been to Fouta or have just started going very recently but there are also folks who grew there. For folks like myself who have just started going to Diountou, it is a very pleasant feeling walking and around those green and hilly villages. When one looks at the area, there are lots of things the local people can do to improve their lives but unfortunately like many other villages elsewhere, people are very neglective of their surroundings.

We want to do our part and they do their part so that they can own their projects and run them  accordingly and effectively.

   Villagers keenly watching a local match in Diountou............................





Handing over ceremony

Government rep, and local leaders and elders during presentation.

Report of first project

rapport_de_remise_des_mobiliers_de_bureau.doc (143 kB)

Lelouma - diountou